Hi there, I'm Lindsey Kane, the CEO and founder of JOLT.
My journey into entrepreneurship began after the birth of my daughter in 2015, when I was 28. Along with being covered in sick, poop, and sleeping one hour a night, I was overcome with a sudden awareness of my own lifespan. I loved motherhood, I really did… but was this it? Might I do even more? How much time did I have on earth? Next came all the pressures and unrealistic expectations that social media thrust into my sleep-deprived eyes - the end result being that by the time my daughter was six months old, I was feeling lost. Despite having a supportive and handsome (he made me add that word) husband and family, I struggled with anxiety and feelings of guilt that I didn’t naturally take to these experiences which others seemed to find effortlessly joyous. What was wrong with me? Maybe this was normal? In the end, I came back to that same damn emotion: "lost."
Before motherhood exploded my life, I was a makeup artist working long hours in TV. During my maternity leave, I craved something meaningful that I could do from home. This led me to start a false eyelash brand, which I later sold. Through this venture, I made mistakes which taught me more than all of my successes combined. It built muscles I did not know I needed - and I marched straight into my next enterprise, which was property - a business that is still purring along today.
In 2021, inspired by my own health challenges (I have a lung disease - sexy, right?) plus my husband's passion for biohacking and longevity, I decided to start improving my own health-span. Ladies: my husband is twelve years older than me, no way was I about to give up that head start. I started asking the question: how can I live a quality life for as long as possible? I began my journey. At the same time, my husband had mentioned some of his biohacking tips in a high-profile interview he did. People started asking me, "what exactly is it your husband does to stay youthful?" This stream of questions, combined with my own self-improvement journey, lit the lightbulb in my head; and when it switched on - I was looking at JOLT.
Our mission at JOLT is to simplify health science, making it accessible and understandable, while building a community of like-minded individuals. Think Goop, but without any vagina candles. Mind you, never say never.
As I was growing JOLT, I began regularly getting contacted by other people via social media (mainly women) who, like myself, were trying to juggle being a mum, wife, and starting a business. This made me realise how many women are not doing things out of the misplaced fear of judgement; caring too much about what a friend thinks here, a parent there. Sometimes just societal expectations hold women back from doing something great.
All of this is why I am so passionate about inspiring women. I’ve now ventured into public speaking and producing social media around this mission. I honestly believe any woman can find their self-worth, build their confidence, and pursue whatever dreams they have. I’m especially keen on reaching those who have put their careers on hold for their families. I want to smash the stigma around discussing fears and uncertainties and encourage open communication and mutual support.
Life is for living, and I want to help others live it to the fullest.
Copyright © 2024 Lindsey Kane - All Rights Reserved.